Category Men of Montreal

Christian Power and Ben Rose

Huge muscle man Christian fucks sub boy Ben’s asshole! Men of Montreal says: Starting the scene with some mutual fondling, Christian barks off a succession of instructions to the submissive Ben that endure throughout the scene. Christian’s cock is still…

Justin Filion

Justin shows off his washboard abs as he jerks! Men of Montreal says: Looking at Justin Filion’s silhouette through the mirror we can see that it’s pretty hot with those washboard abs showing off on that naturally silky smooth body…

Nicolas Potvin

Hot trucker Nicolas new gay porn star! Nicolas Potvin is a trucker and a newcomer who has never done porn before and self identifies as being straight. At 5’7”, this 24 year old single dude has hot ripped abs and…

Pascal Aubry

Hairy chested young hunk jerks out a full cum load! Men of Montreal says: Pascal Aubry moves to the bedroom, where he settles into the leather armchair and gets going massaging his body and stroking his quickly stiffening dick. Marko…

Chad Aucoin

Hot male stripper Chad joins his big brother Mike!…… Men of Montreal says: Chad Aucoin is a huge muscle boy who’s brother (Mike Aucoin) has also graced our screens courtesy of MenOfMontreal. Chad at 245 pounds is a much bigger…